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Dental Device Cures Snoring

By Bill Freeman

Snoring can cause serious health problems, however a group of researchers from Glasgow, in the UK have found that a trip to the dentist could cure the condition. Approximately 40% of adults snore, and in some cases the affliction is linked to obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where the sufferer stops breathing during their sleep and over the long-term can be detrimental to cardiovascular health.

Snoring can cause serious health problems, however a group of researchers from Glasgow, in the UK have found that a trip to the dentist could cure the condition. Approximately 40% of adults snore, and in some cases the affliction is linked to obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where the sufferer stops breathing during their sleep and over the long-term can be detrimental to cardiovascular health. However, researchers discovered that a custom-made device that holds the jaw in a fixed position during sleep can cure mild to moderate snoring. The device works by holding the jaw forwards, an action that keeps the airway open, thus allowing the patient to breathe freely.

SOURCE/REFERENCE: Reported by on the 21st June 2001