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Dramatic Rise in Skin Cancer

Among adults under the age of 40, skin cancer rates are rising.

Despite the rates of some cancers on the decline, Mayo Clinic researchers report an alarming dramatic rise skin cancer, particularly among people under the age of 40. Jerry Brewer and colleagues analyzed data collected for the Rochester Epidemiology Project, looking at diagnoses of melanoma in patients ages 18 to 39 years, from 1970 to 2009. The team found that the incidence of melanoma increased eightfold among young women and fourfold among young men.  The researchers speculate that the use of indoor tanning beds is a key culprit in the rising cancer rate in young women.  Researchers did find that mortality rates from the disease have improved over the years, likely due to early detection of skin cancer and prompt medical care. Warning that: ” The incidence of cutaneous melanoma among young adults is rapidly increasing, especially among women,” the study authors urge that: “Continued close monitoring of this high-risk population is necessary.”

Kurtis B. Reed, Jerry D. Brewer, Christine M. Lohse, Kariline E. Bringe, et al. “Increasing Incidence of Melanoma Among Young Adults: An Epidemiological Study in Olmsted County, Minnesota.”  Mayo Clinic Proceedings Vol. 87, Issue 4, Pages 328-334.