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First Lab-Grown Human Lung

University of Texas (US) team successfully grows one of the most complicated organs of the human body, in a lab.

In an important development in the field of regenerative medicine, scientists grow lungs in a lab that are hoped to someday be able to replace damaged lungs in actual patients, helping thousands of people who die every year waiting on a transplant.  Joaquin Cortiella, from the University of Texas (Texas, USA), and colleagues obtained lungs from two deceased juveniles, and stripped the first lung of all of its cells – leaving just a scaffolding of elastin and collagen. Healthy cells were then taken from the second lung and applied to the scaffolding. Once thoroughly coated, the lung-to-be was placed in a glass tank full of a nutrient-rich solution where it soaked for four weeks. During that time, new cell growth filled in the scaffolding resulting in a new lung. To be sure their technique really worked, the team repeated the whole exercise with another set of lungs and found the same result. 

Nichols JE, Niles J, Riddle M, Vargas G, Schilagard T, Cortiella J, et al.  “Production and assessment of decellularized pig and human lung scaffolds.”  Tissue Eng Part A. 2013 Sep;19(17-18):2045-62.