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Frequent Flyers at Risk from Cosmic Radiation

By Bill Freeman

As air traffic increases aeroplanes are flying higher, simultaneously increases in global business and leisure travel mean that passengers are flying more frequently. As global dependence on air travel rises, scientists are becoming increasingly worried about the exposure of regular flyers to cosmic radiation.

As air traffic increases aeroplanes are flying higher, simultaneously increases in global business and leisure travel mean that passengers are flying more frequently. As global dependence on air travel rises, scientists are becoming increasingly worried about the exposure of regular flyers to cosmic radiation. There is growing concern that people who fly regularly are putting themselves at risk from developing cancer. Passengers are at a greater risk than cabin and flight crew simply because there exposure is strictly regulated. A collaborative study by solar scientists from University College London and Virgin Atlantic Airlines to monitor the level of radiation during flight began in September this year.

SOURCE/REFERENCE: Reported by on the 15th October 2000