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Omega-3 Supplements Significantly Lower Homocysteine Levels

Taking an omega-3 fatty acids supplement can help to lower levels of homocysteine; high levels are linked to an increased risk of heart disease and dementia.

Taking a daily supplement of omega-3 fatty acids could help to lower levels of the amino acid homocysteine, high levels of which are linked to an increased risk of heart disease and dementia. Researchers analyzed data from 11 placebo-controlled trials including 702 people taking supplementary omega-3 in doses ranging from 0.2 to 6.0 grams per day. Results showed that supplementation with omega-3 was associated with a significant decrease in plasma homocysteine levels. The authors concluded: “Our systematic review provides, to our knowledge, the most comprehensive assessment to date of the effects of omega-3 PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) on plasma homocysteine.”

Tao Huang, Jusheng Zheng, Ying Chen, Bin Yang, Mark L Wahlqvist, Duo Li. High consumption of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids decrease plasma homocysteine: A meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Nutrition. 2011 Apr 16. [Epub ahead of print]. DOI: 10.1016/j.nut.2010.12.011