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Should We Improve Our Genome?

By Bill Freeman

From the New York Times: Now that we have decoded the human genome, why don’t we improve it. The question is at present theoretical but could well emerge as the hardest of all bioethical issues. Biologists routinely alter the genes of mice, with methods that are not yet acceptable for making inheritable changes in people, but one day genetic engineers may figure out how to apply safe patches to the human biological software.

From the New York Times: Now that we have decoded the human genome, why don’t we improve it? The question is at present theoretical but could well emerge as the hardest of all bioethical issues. Biologists routinely alter the genes of mice, with methods that are not yet acceptable for making inheritable changes in people, but one day genetic engineers may figure out how to apply safe patches to the human biological software. “One day, people may view sex as essentially recreational,…
