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Wearables: Sweat Tech Health Monitor

Wearables: Sweat Tech Health Monitor

Image: The health monitor is flexible and designed to be comfortable to wear. Credit: Washington State University. A wearable health monitor developed at Washington State University (WSU) is reported to reliably measure levels of important biochemicals in sweat during physical exercise. The report published in the journal ACS Sensors also suggests that the wearable can …

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3D Printed Artificial Cartilage

Manufacturing And 3D Printing Drugs

Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology have made strides towards creating replacement tissue using a technique that differs from other methods currently being used around the world. The paper, “Scaffolded spheroids as building blocks for bottom-up cartilage tissue engineering show enhanced bioassembly dynamics,” published in Acta Biomaterialia describes their new approach. The team used …

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Superstructures formed by ‘walking’ molecules could help create neurons for regenerative medicine

Superstructures formed by ‘walking’ molecules could help create neurons for regenerative medicine

3D-printed novel biomaterial mimics properties of living tissues: Self-assembling nanofibers bundle together to form superstructures attractive to neurons The smart biomaterial allows 3D printing with neurons to create brain-like tissue architectures in vitro The tunable bioactivity and advancements in 3D printing support a wide range of potential biomedical applications for the material  Imagine if surgeons …

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What Can 3D Printing Bring to Medicine in the Next 5 Years?

What Can 3D Printing Bring to Medicine in the Next 5 Years?

3D printing is already disrupting the manufacturing industry. It is revolutionizing the automotive and aeronautical industries. And it is slowly redefining patient-specific care in the field of medicine.  In fact, there’s a good chance that what we believed as science fiction will be our reality in the next 5 years. Experts are already predicting that …

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Technology Allows 3D Tissues To Be Printed Directly Onto The Body

Manufacturing And 3D Printing Drugs

Advancements in technology have come so far as to allow scientists to produce biological products such as bone, skin, and blood vessels, although there are some risks involved in using 3D printed parts in human patients, even with all the progress. Scientists believe that they have developed a method for 3D printing human body parts …

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Cancer Cell Growth Halt With Timed Release Of Turmeric

Cancer Cell Growth Halt With Timed Release Of Turmeric

Research from Washington State University has developed a drug delivery system incorporating curcumin that has successfully inhibited bone cancer cells while promoting growth of healthy new bone cells. This technology is hoped to lead to development of better treatments for those with osteosarcoma, which is the second most prevalent cause of cancer death in children, …

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3D Printed ‘Bionic Eye’

FDA Approved Retinal Implant to Treat Blindness

Researchers from College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota have successfully 3D printed a hemispherical surface of light receptors in a step towards the creation of a bionic eye, this ground breaking development may pave way for artificial eyes that could help blind people see and improve human vision in general. As …

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3D Printing Electronics And Cells Directly Onto Skin


A customized low cost portable 3D printer was used by researchers from the University of Minnesota in this new study to print electronics on a real live human hand for the first time, as published in the academic journal Advanced Materials. This groundbreaking technology could be used by battlefield soldiers to print temporary sensor to …

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New Tool For Imprinting Biochips


Technology newly developed from researchers with Advanced Science Research Center’s Nanoscience Initiative may allow more biochemical probes to be fit on to a single biochip, which would decrease costs of screening and analyzing changes associated with disease development, detecting bioterrorism and other areas of research, as published in the journal Chem.   To develop a …

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Manufacturing And 3D Printing Drugs

Manufacturing And 3D Printing Drugs

  3D printing has come a long way since invention, making leaps and bounds for it’s uses since experts first started experimenting with the technology. Use of 3D printing is more than just a fun bit of technology, it now plays important roles in manufacturing, intersection of design, and prototyping consumer products that may otherwise …

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