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Protecting Lone Workers in the Home Healthcare Industry

Protecting Lone Workers in the Home Healthcare Industry

Patients who cannot leave their homes due to chronic illness, disability, or age are provided medical care, emotional assistance, and companionship through in-home caregivers. However, even though these workers are caring for others they can be subject to safety and health risks because they work alone in strangers’ homes. Healthcare Industry Growth The past decade …

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Four Deadly Diseases Caused By Excessive Drug Consumption

Four Deadly Diseases Caused By Excessive Drug Consumption

Addiction has long-term negative effects on your health. The risk of sickness and other problems increases for those with drug use disorders. Unfortunately, addiction and substance misuse are prevalent throughout the world.  Active addiction makes it difficult to maintain healthy lifestyle practices. This includes exercise and a good diet. This supports a strong immune system. …

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How Alcohol Consumption Contributes To Chronic Pain

Longevity and Alcohol: Exploring The Complex Connection

Chronic alcohol consumption may make people more sensitive to pain through two different molecular mechanisms — one driven by alcohol intake and one by alcohol withdrawal. That is one new conclusion by scientists at Scripps Research on the complex links between alcohol and pain. The research, published in the British Journal of Pharmacology on April …

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The Dangers of Over-Reliance on Prescription Medications

Is Meth More Dangerous Than Prescription Stimulant Drugs?

Prescription medications play a crucial role in managing various health conditions, but over-reliance on these drugs can have serious consequences. As the use of prescription drugs continues to rise, it’s essential to understand the dangers of relying too heavily on these medications. From adverse health effects to dependency and addiction, the risks associated with over-reliance …

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How Many Is Too Many? When Drinking Becomes a Problem

Putting Wine on a Diet

For some people, a glass of wine, a beer, or a cocktail is an occasional treat. Others struggle to stop at just one or even many drinks. Some may drink alcohol in moderation, but still feel like they’re not in control of their drinking. How do you know if alcohol has become a problem for …

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When Is Alcohol Use Considered Chronic?

How Much Alcohol Is Really OK?

When it comes to alcohol use, different drinking behaviors can contribute to or present as alcohol use disorder (AUD). One of those is chronic alcohol use. But what is it, and how does it relate to the overall issue of AUD? Here’s how to know when alcohol use is chronic and what to do about …

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The Dangers of Mixing Benzos With Alcohol

The Difference Between Drug Mixing and Drug Cutting

Widespread substance use disorders (SUDs) commonly involve benzodiazepines and alcohol in the United States. Chances are, we know someone with an addiction to one of these substances, and we also probably have a general idea of the dangers surrounding each one. However, what happens when someone mixes these substances? Here’s what you need to know …

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Why Is Addiction Considered a Disease?

Why Is Addiction Considered a Disease?

Arguments centered around substance use disorder (SUD) normally gravitate toward one of two extremes. On the one hand, addiction is viewed as a willful action that unnecessarily affects others negatively and even in dangerous ways. This view calls for swift legislation to protect ourselves and others. On the other hand, addiction is considered a topic …

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What the Statistics Tell Us About Men and Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol Related Brain Defects May Be Reversed

One in every 12 adults meets the criteria for alcohol addiction. Alcohol is readily available worldwide, and in the United States, laws only require us to meet the legal drinking age to buy alcohol at will. It’s no wonder the substance ranks as one of the most abused substances, but is there a particular trend …

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Spirituality Linked With Better Health Outcomes, Patient Care

Green Thumb

According to a study led by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Spirituality should be incorporated into care for both serious illness and overall health. “This study represents the most rigorous and comprehensive systematic analysis of the modern day literature regarding health and spirituality to date,” said …

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