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Can You Hear Me Now? Earbuds VS Headphones: Noise Health Risks

Can You Hear Me Now? Earbuds VS Headphones: Noise Health Risks

Advances in mobile technology have made it so that we can take devices loaded with interwebs, information, videos, movies, and music with us everywhere. Not surprisingly technology for sound is also evolving with these devices enabling us to listen more discreetly with minor distractions, going from big clunky headphones to streamlined models and now earbuds …

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Higher Education And Language Skills May Help Ward Off Dementia

Higher Education And Language Skills May Help Ward Off Dementia

New research has found that people with mild cognitive impairment may not inevitably develop dementia and, in fact, having higher education and advanced language skills more than doubles their chances of returning to normal. The study, led by researchers at the University of Waterloo, may reassure those with mild cognitive impairment as it contradicts a …

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Cardiorespiratory Fitness Improves Grades At School

Air Pollution Exposure Linked To Poor Academics In Childhood

Recent studies indicate a link between children’s cardiorespiratory fitness and their school performance: the more athletic they are, the better their marks in the main subjects – French and mathematics. Similarly, cardiorespiratory fitness is known to benefit cognitive abilities, such as memory and attention. But what is the real influence of such fitness on school …

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Air Pollution Exposure Linked To Poor Academics In Childhood

Air Pollution Exposure Linked To Poor Academics In Childhood

Children exposed to elevated levels of air pollution may be more likely to have poor inhibitory control during late childhood and poor academic skills in early adolescence, including spelling, reading comprehension, and math skills. Difficulty with inhibition in late childhood was found to be a precursor to later air pollution-related academic problems. Interventions that target …

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