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Could the days of ‘springing forward’ be numbered? A neurologist and sleep expert explains the downside to that borrowed hour of daylight

Adjusting To The End Of Daylight Savings

As people in the U.S. prepare to set their clocks ahead one hour on Sunday, March 10, 2024, I find myself bracing for the annual ritual of media stories about the disruptions to daily routines caused by switching from standard time to daylight saving time. About one-third of Americans say they don’t look forward to …

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Mobile Tech Related Accidents Are On The Rise

Mobile Tech Related Accidents Are On The Rise

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has been operating an injury surveillance and follow-back system called the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) for over 45 years to collect data on consumer product-related injuries across the United States, and it uses this data to create nationwide estimates of product-related injuries. For this report, all tech …

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A new tool helps older adults monitor 'attentional performance' during driving

Apiaceous Vegetables May Help To Thwart Air Pollutants

Researchers from North Carolina State University and Texas Tech University have developed a straightforward questionnaire that older adults can use to assess their “attentional performance” during driving. In proof-of-concept testing, the researchers have demonstrated the tool can predict which drivers are at increased risk of having accidents. “We developed the tool, called the Attentional Failure …

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Daylight Savings Time Or Sleep Deprivation Time?

Daylight Savings Time Or Sleep Deprivation Time?

March marks the return of the annual ritual of switching the clock to “spring forward” by one hour to accommodate Daylight Savings Time, this is based on the idea that this will provide one more hour of light in which to be active, particularly the extra hour after work has ended.  The flaw to this …

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