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Junk Food Diets Can Cause Long-Term Damage To The Brain

Typical Western Diet May Impair Brain Function

New research from the University of Southern California published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity on the effects of junk food diets reinforces scientific understanding of the gut-brain connection, finding that feasting on a high-fat sugary diet raises the possibility that a junk food-filled diet in teen years may disrupt brain memory ability for …

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Could CBDs Be A Next-Gen Antibiotic?

Article courtesy of Joseph Maroon, MD, FACS “I am glad to share with you what I have learned throughout my personal quest to overcome adversity to become an accomplished neurosurgeon, scientist, Ironman athlete, consultant, author, and advocate on healthy living and nutrition.”  ~ Dr. Joseph Maroon. Dr. Joseph Maroon was recently asked by Health Radar, …

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Fermented Blueberries May Restore Cognitive Function In Amnesia

Fermented Blueberries May Restore Cognitive Function In Amnesia

Blueberry vinegar is suggested by researchers from Konkuk University to help boost memory and restore cognitive function of people with dementia, as published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Whether vinegar made from blueberries might help improve cognitive function and stop cognitive deterioration was explored in the study by administering blueberry vinegar to …

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New Therapy For Nicotine Addiction

Los cigarrillos electrónicos pueden causar cáncer y enfermedades del corazón, según estudio

Atomic scale blueprints have been published of the most abundant class of brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of which structural understandings found may lead to new therapies for vaping and smoking nicotine addictions, as published in Nature.   High resolution cryo-Em microscopy determined 3D structures of brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptors courtesy of Hibbs Lab, were used …

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Chewable Choline Choices

Chewable Choline Choices

Making sure that your body gets enough choline is important for many basic structures and processes within the body, and helps to keep the metabolism in check. Choline is a water soluble essential nutrient that often gets grouped into the B-vitamin complex.   Choline represents an important structural element of fats and has an important …

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