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Obesity may not be the only factor to link ultra-processed foods to a higher risk of mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers

Obesity may not be the only factor to link ultra-processed foods to a higher risk of mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers

An international study, led by the University of Bristol and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, analyzed diet and lifestyle data on 450,111 adults who were followed for approximately 14 years. Eating more ultra-processed foods (UPFs) may be associated with a higher risk of developing cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (including the mouth, …

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High Intake Of Several Food Additives Linked To Increased Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

Risk For Diabetes & Obesity Linked To Common Food Ingredient

High intake of several emulsifiers (part of the E numbers group of food additives) has been linked to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) in a recent study published by the BMJ. Study findings have important public health implications given their omnipresent use in ultra-processed foods.  Industrially processed foods use several types of …

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Buyer Beware: 60% Of Foods Purchased By Americans Contain Technical Food Additives — A 10% Increase Since 2001

Buyer Beware: 60% Of Foods Purchased By Americans Contain Technical Food Additives -- A 10% Increase Since 2001

Manufacturers have increased the mean number of additives in purchased foods and beverages from 3.7 in 2001 to 4.5 in 2019, according to new research in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. A new study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, published by Elsevier, has determined that 60% …

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Are Ultra-Processed Foods Harmful? Experts Weigh The Evidence

Are Ultra-Processed Foods Harmful? Experts Weigh The Evidence

In new papers and a live debate, leading scientists present arguments for and against incorporating the concept of ultra-processed foods into dietary guidelines Dietary guidelines form the basis for nutrition advice and regulations around the world. While there is strong scientific consensus around most existing guidelines, one question has recently stirred debate: Should consumers be …

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Artificial Sweeteners May Not Be Safe Sugar Alternatives

Aspartame: One Of The Tops To Avoid

The food industry uses artificial sweeteners in a wide range of foods and beverages as alternatives to added sugars, for which deleterious effects on several chronic diseases are now well established. The safety of these food additives is debated, with conflicting findings regarding their role in the aetiology of various diseases. In particular, their carcinogenicity …

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Naturally Healthy: How Much Do Adolescents Know About Food?

Risk For Diabetes & Obesity Linked To Common Food Ingredient

How natural a food product is plays a key role in how healthy it is perceived to be—not only by nutrition experts but also by adolescents and young adults. At the same time, there is considerable variability in adolescents’ ratings of food products. These are the results of a new study conducted by researchers at …

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Survey Polls Consumers Perceptions of Processed Foods

Majority Of Packaged Foods In America Are Ultra Processed

Results of this survey show that American consumers are fairly ambivalent when it comes to processing. The majority of Americans buy processed foods and beverages sometimes or often. Half of Americans have not changed the amount of processed foods they’ve purchased over the past three months. Many say that they are more likely to buy …

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Preservatives In Popular Foods May Harm The Immune System

Risk For Diabetes & Obesity Linked To Common Food Ingredient

Preservatives are most appreciated for their ability to keep food a little longer before spoiling. However, a new report published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health has found that hundreds of popular processed foods may contain at least one ingredient that can harm the human immune system.  According to recent research …

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Alternatives To Candy For That Sweets Craving

Alternatives To Candy For That Sweets Craving

Many people struggle with cravings from their sweet tooth, but most candy is made from sugar, food dyes, chemical additives and artificial flavors that make them very unhealthy on top of providing very little nutritional value for their high calorie content.  Many people struggle with cravings from their sweet tooth, but most candy is made …

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Mechanisms Of Mediterranean Diets

Mediterranean Diet Linked To Lower Risk Of Death In Women

Mediterranean diets are considered to be one of the healthiest beneficial diets to promote weight loss that is low in red meat and free of added sugars and processed foods; according to a study published in JAMA Network open it can also boost heart health among women. In the past multiple studies have confirmed a …

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