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Study finds an increase in women 65 and older dying of cervical cancer

Study finds an increase in women 65 and older dying of cervical cancer

A new study conducted by UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers shows an alarming number of California women 65 and older are facing late-stage cervical cancer diagnoses and dying from the disease. This is despite guidelines that recommend most women stop screening for cervical cancer at this age. “Our findings highlight the need to better …

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FDA Approves First Immunotherapy for Initial Treatment of Gastric Cancer

FDA Approves First in the World Device to Treat Patients with Congenital Heart Disease

According to a press announcement, the US FDA has approved Opdivo (nivolumab), in combination with certain types of chemotherapy, for the initial treatment of patients with advanced or metastatic gastric cancer, gastroesophageal junction cancer and esophageal adenocarcinoma. This is the first FDA-approved immunotherapy for the first-line treatment of gastric cancer. “Today’s approval is the first …

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Data Links Air Pollution to Lung Cancer

Air Pollution Raises Heart Risks

Large-scale European study suggests that long-term exposure to low-level air pollution may increase the risk of lung cancer, and adenocarcinoma in particular. Researchers in Europe report data that suggests a causal role for air pollution in lung cancer.  Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, of the Danish Cancer Society Research Center (Denmark), and colleagues completed a prospective analysis of …

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