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2 Minutes Of Extreme Cold Might Help Obese People Lose Weight

2 Minutes Of Extreme Cold Might Help Obese People Lose Weight

Image: Cryochamber (CryoScience, Rome, Italy) Image Credit: Applied Sciences/ “Whole-Body Cryostimulation: A Rehabilitation Booster in Post-COVID Patients? A Case Series” According to research presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Dublin, Ireland, whole-body cryostimulation therapy, which is the process of exposing either a part of or the entire body to cold temperatures, may help …

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Melatonin Could Possibly Play An Immune Modulating Role Against COVID-19

Melatonin Could Possibly Play An Immune Modulating Role Against COVID-19

A recent review suggests that melatonin may play a role in combating COVID-19 as an adjuvant therapy; excessive inflammation, oxidation, and exaggerated immune responses during infection contributes to the cytokine storm that progresses into acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome and the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulating effects of melatonin have been shown to …

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CBD Compound May Boost Antibiotic Effectiveness

CBD Compound May Boost Antibiotic Effectiveness

According to recent research published in Scientific Reports from the University of Southern Denmark the cannabis compound cannabidiol may act as a helper to boost the effectiveness of antibiotics against drug resistant Gram positive bacteria: combining CBD with bacitracin was found to have a more powerful effect against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus than the …

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