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Progesterone for Mental Health

Progesterone for Mental Health

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) outlines the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders to include scattered thinking, memory problems, confusion, behavioral changes, depression, anxiety disorders, unstable emotions, uncontrollable anger, low motivation, and changes in appetite. Many psychiatrists rely on the DSM’s description of symptoms as a way to diagnose mental disorders. …

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Top Adventure Sports For A Change Of Routine

Top Adventure Sports For A Change Of Routine

There most likely isn’t anything wrong with the sports or exercise that you are currently doing, but perhaps you are a little bored and are looking for something a bit different, even for just one try. There are many adventure sports that provide more than an adrenaline pushing good time. For those that are fans …

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7 Adventure Sports That You Didn't Know Exist

7 Adventure Sports That You Didn't Know Exist

People are now drawn to adventure sports more than ever. Our forefather’s daily lives were full of struggle hunting for food, which was enough to keep the heart pounding fast. But today, most people are glued to their smartphones, computers, or office desks with little time for adventure. Often, everyone craves for a refreshing adrenaline …

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A Little Relief For Your Adrenals

Fatigue And The Adrenals

Adrenal fatigue is a group of varied symptoms associated with chronic stress, left unaddressed it can significantly impact a person’s life. Best known for secreting hormones that helps the body cope with stress the adrenal glands can become over-worked. Adrenaline promotes the body to act under stressful situations, however problems occur when the body is …

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Breathing Technique Can Calm You Down

Medical Yoga Therapy

A simple breathing technique used by first responders and Navy SEALs in stressful and life threatening situations called box breathing can help to de-stress and calm you down in just a few minutes. Box breathing is a form of present, deep, conscious breathing in which each exhaled breath is drawn out to last longer than …

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