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Grapes May Be Great For Your Eyes

Grapes May Be Great For Your Eyes

A randomized and controlled human study (NCT05064865) published in the journal Food & Function from the National University of Singapore found that consuming grapes for sixteen weeks helped to improve key markers of eye health (1), improving macular pigment accumulations and downregulating harmful biomarkers.  This study has implications for an aging population that is at …

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Are We Controlling Food Intake Or Is It Controlling Us?

Are We Controlling Food Intake Or Is It Controlling Us?

Overeating is fairly common, people overeat and become overweight for many different reasons. The fact that we are practically surrounded by flavorful high-calorie premade and fast foods of convenience that are available 24/7 almost everywhere really does not make the matter any better either. If you can’t stop binging on fries or barbecued food, you …

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