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Study identifies distinct brain organization patterns in women and men

Study identifies distinct brain organization patterns in women and men

A new study by Stanford Medicine investigators unveils a new artificial intelligence model that was more than 90% successful at determining whether scans of brain activity came from a woman or a man. The findings published Feb. 19 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, help resolve a long-term controversy about whether reliable …

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Are Intra-Person Fingerprints Unique?

Are Intra-Person Fingerprints Unique?

Sometimes we post articles that are interesting, just for fun or those that challenge long-standing thoughts, and this is one of them. Fingerprints have always been thought to be unique, but a recent study from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences published in Science Advances is utilizing artificial intelligence to challenge the long-standing …

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The Evolution and Impact of Mobile Health Apps on Personal Wellness

Developing AI To Detect Heart Disease

Mobile health applications have evolved as effective tools to improve and maintain personal well-being in the fast-paced digital world, where cell phones have become an essential part of our lives. These apps take advantage of smartphones’ capabilities to offer various health-related services, such as tailored diet regimens and activity tracking. This article examines the development …

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Artificial Intelligence and Your Health: How Computers are Helping Medicine

New AI Model Can Estimate Your Age By Looking At Your Chest

There’s a lot of talk about artificial intelligence, or AI, these days. AI is everywhere—from virtual assistants to facial recognition software. The technology is even assisting doctors and scientists. So what exactly is AI? And how is it helping advance scientific research? “AI is basically trying to teach computers to ‘think’ in the same way …

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Artificial Intelligence and Anti-Aging, The AI Conundrum

Artificial Intelligence and Anti-Aging

Artificial Intelligence seems to be the way of the future. In terms of health care, would you want AI to make important treatment and judgment calls, based upon arbitrary criteria? Could you teach AI Medical Ethics vs Insurance criteria based on costs or age? As a patient would I trust a computer? Where would one …

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How Will AI Transform Healthcare in 2024 and Beyond

How Will AI Transform Healthcare in 2024 and Beyond

In recent years, the healthcare sector has undergone a significant transformation owing to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As we approach 2024, the impact of AI on healthcare continues to unfold, promising groundbreaking advancements that revolutionize patient care and medical practices. This article explores the current state of AI in healthcare and anticipates the …

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Antimalarial Drug Identified As Possible Osteoporosis Treatment

Antimalarial Drug Identified As Possible Osteoporosis Treatment

An artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning algorithm has found that an antimalarial drug and a derivative of traditional Chinese medicine may also treat osteoporosis. The study published in ACS Central Science showed that the drug effectively reversed osteoporosis-related bone loss, at least in animal studies.  There is a delicate balance between osteoblasts that build new …

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New AI Model Can Estimate Your Age By Looking At Your Chest

New AI Model Can Estimate Your Age By Looking At Your Chest

A new AI model has been developed by Osaka Metropolitan University scientists using chest radiographs to accurately estimate chronological age. The researchers report that they found a positive relationship between differences in its estimates and chronological ages and a variety of chronic diseases, and their findings are published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity. The deep …

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AI-Powered Smart Socks May Help Those With Dementia Age In Place

AI-Powered Smart Socks May Help Those With Dementia Age In Place

Image Caption: SmartSocks in use at the Living Lab Imperial College London. Image Credit: Imperial College London Typically, those with dementia need assistance as the disease progresses, which can ultimately lead to moving to an assisted living facility. Researchers from the University of Exeter have designed artificial intelligence-powered smart socks that could help those with …

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AI Providing Mixed Results For Medical Information Inquiries

AI-enabled EKGs find difference between numerical age and biological age significantly affects health

ChatGPT or Google? When you are looking for accurate information about an illness what is the best source? Google provides more current results, but they were skewed by service and providers looking for customers, and ChatGPT might be more objective for inquiries, but the results can be outdated and lack the source of its information in …

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