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AI Accurately Detects Alzheimer’s 6 Years Earlier In Small Study

Herpes May Be A Cause Of Alzheimer’s Disease

A new University of California artificial intelligence system can detect Alzheimer’s disease 6 years early with 100% accuracy before hallmarks used by doctors to diagnose appear, early detection may lead to more effective treatments, as published in Radiology. Currently there are no known cures for the disease, and effectiveness of the best treatments for its …

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Wearable Tech And AI To Predict Health Problem Onset

Wearable Tech And AI To Predict Health Problem Onset

Research team from the University of Waterloo have found that application of artificial intelligence to combination of data retrieved from wearable technology may detect failing health; data from these wearable devices and AI, Hexoskin, which assesses changes in aerobic responses could predict onset of respiratory or cardiovascular disease, as published in the Journal of Applied …

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