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What Happens When You Endure An 18.5 Hour Long Flight?

What Happens When You Endure An 18.5 Hour Long Flight?

17 hours into a 18.5 hour flight non-stop 9,534 mile trip from New York to Singapore, it becomes difficult to answer the simple question of wanting ice or not without stammering reports Simmons. Being stuck in a giant tin can traveling at hundreds of miles per hour at around 30,000 feet, without really being able …

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Aerotoxic Syndrome

Study Finds that Flights Can Make Aircrew Sick

To many pilots and flight attendants appear to be living the high life getting to travel all over the world, but they may be paying the price with their health. It may not even just be the flight crew who are feeling the effects, passengers may even be exposed, especially the more frequent flyers traveling …

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Cardiac Risks of Air Travel in the Older Population


Older airline passengers with a history of heart disease may be more prone to heartbeat irregularities. As a leading cause for in-flight emergencies is fainting, and that feeling faint has been linked to high altitudes and heartbeat irregularity, Eileen McNeely, from Harvard School of Public Health (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues assessed how typical commercial air …

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H1N1 Virus Spreads Easily by Plane


UCLA (US) researchers find that a single infected individual traveling on an airplane can cause multiple outbreaks of influenza as a result of in-flight transmission, particularly in economy class and during long-haul flights.     In that scientists have previously determined that contagious diseases including smallpox, measles, tuberculosis, seasonal influenza and severe acute respiratory syndrome …

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