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High Blood Pressure Is A Silent Killer

High Blood Pressure Is A Silent Killer

High blood pressure is a silent killer. Unfortunately, nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. This translates to roughly 122 million people aged 20 years old and over having hypertension. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, and other health threats. Can …

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Struggling With Snoring


Snoring is not just a problem for you, it is also a problem if it disrupts your partner’s sleep, or another household member’s sleep, or if it is a symptom of a more serious condition. Snoring can cause daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating, all of which can lead to other complications. Snoring can also …

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Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

A balanced diet starts with making healthy sensible food choices. You don’t need to be a master chef to create nutritious and delicious meals, it just means being more conscious about what you are planning on eating. Luckily most of us have mobile phones that make it easier to look up things when we are …

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A Healthy Lifestyle May Offset Genetics Adding Years To Lifespan

A Senior's Guide to Managing Your Physical and Mental Health

Research published in the journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine suggests that genetics alone can mean a 21% greater risk of early death, but people can improve their chances by following a healthy diet which may offset the impact of genetics by more than 60% and add another five years to your lifespan. Unfortunately, some people don’t …

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Alcohol Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease

Alcohol Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease

The safe amount of alcohol to drink is a topic of debate, in the past light drinking was suggested to be safe, but more recently, a growing body of evidence indicates that there is no safe level of drinking alcohol. Now a new large study from the American College of Cardiology adds to the accumulating …

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Risk Factors For Faster Brain Aging

Lifestyle Factors May Be The Best Way To Reduce Risk Of Dementia

Recent research published in Nature Communications from the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Oxford has identified 15 modifiable risk factors for dementia, and of those diabetes, alcohol intake, and traffic-related air pollution are the most harmful.  Previous research from this group revealed an area of weakness in the brain of a …

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Triggers That Make People Take Their Health More Seriously

Triggers That Make People Take Their Health More Seriously

Let’s face it, visiting their doctor isn’t something that most people look forward to. Getting a child to go without a struggle is hard enough but when they become teenagers it is even harder, and this trend typically continues into adulthood. Not surprisingly, according to a random double opt-in survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf …

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Researchers discover that youth binge drinking is linked to gut microbiome changes

Researchers discover that youth binge drinking is linked to gut microbiome changes

News Release Research Highlights: Study finds that young adult binge drinks show alterations in the gut microbiome. The alternations are linked with poor ability to recognise emotions and cravings to consume alcohol. Youth binge drinking can have short and long-term impacts on health and well-being. Youth binge drinkers show alterations in the gut microbiome, a …

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Risk of young-onset dementia could be reduced through targeting health and lifestyle factors

Risk of young-onset dementia could be reduced through targeting health and lifestyle factors

Researchers have identified a wide range of risk factors for young-onset dementia. The findings challenge the notion that genetics are the sole cause of the condition, laying the groundwork for new prevention strategies. The large-scale study identified 15 risk factors, which are similar to those for late-onset dementia. For the first time, they indicate that …

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Americans Eat A Meal’s Worth Of Calories While Snacking Every Day

Americans Eat A Meal’s Worth Of Calories While Snacking Every Day

According to an analysis of data from 23,708 adults aged 30+ who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2005 to 2016, Americans average eating about 400-500 calories per day in snacks alone, and this is often more than what they consumed during breakfast, and it offered little nutritional value.  However, participants …

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