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Preparing For Cold And Flu Season

How to Build a Stronger Immune System with Nutrition

It’s that time of year again when you hear coughs and sneezes and find yourself wondering if that person is suffering from more than just allergies or if they might have a seasonal cold or flu bug. Yes, it is true, despite what some people would have you believe, not everything is the COVID-ick. Common …

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Alcohol consumption may have positive and negative effects on cardiovascular disease risk

Heavy Drinking May Accelerate Development Of Alzheimer’s Disease

While past research has indicated that moderate alcohol consumption can lower one’s risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), more recent studies suggest that moderate levels of drinking may be hazardous to heart health. A new analysis led by the Boston University School of Public Health and Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University …

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Staying Out Of The Emergency Room This Thanksgiving

Staying Out Of The Emergency Room This Thanksgiving

” Most of this advice is common sense. Of course, most of us still need to remind ourselves to do everything in moderation this Thanksgiving. Just because it’s Thanksgiving and only once a year, doesn’t mean you should eat as if it’s your last supper. Get up and walk around as frequently as possible, and …

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Not Everyone Feels Fine After Red Wine

Not Everyone Feels Fine After Red Wine

Red wine may pair nicely with a meal, but for some people drinking a small amount of red wine can cause a headache within 30 minutes to three hours, even for those who don’t get headaches when drinking small amounts of other alcoholic beverages. Recent research from the University of California-Davis published in the journal …

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10 Tips to Help You Sleep Better on a Plane

Navigating the World: Maintaining Mental Health while Studying Abroad

Technological advancements have made air travel easier than ever with multiple amenities like free drinks, good food, and entertainment options. Then there are the more expensive classes like Economy Plus and Business or First Class, where you get even more value-added features, so you can have the most comfortable journey possible. However, it’s still traveling, …

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How to Prevent Addiction Relapse with Wellness and Longevity Strategies

Why Is Addiction Considered a Disease?

The journey of recovery from addiction is intricate and multifaceted. At its core lies the necessity for sustainable wellness strategies, which foster a healthier lifestyle and effectively “prevent addiction relapse.” As we delve deeper into this topic, an intriguing revelation emerges: longevity medicine, a field dedicated to enhancing the human lifespan, has shown promise in …

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Diet and Varicose Veins: Foods That May Help or Worsen the Condition

Can You Lower Risks Of Cancer With Organic Foods?

Part 2 of an 8-article series written by Arlette Pacheco, Ph.D.  Varicose veins, those swollen and twisted veins that usually appear on the legs, can be uncomfortable. While various factors contribute to the development of varicose veins, diet plays a crucial role in managing this condition. In this article, we will explore the impact of …

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Routinely drinking alcohol may raise blood pressure even in adults without hypertension

Routinely drinking alcohol may raise blood pressure even in adults without hypertension

News Release Research Highlights: An analysis of data from seven studies involving more than 19,000 adults in the United States, Korea and Japan found a clear association between increases in systolic (top-number) blood pressure and the number of alcoholic beverages consumed daily. Even people who drank one alcoholic beverage per day showed a link to …

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Breakfast at Bedtime: Eating for Better Sleep During Menopause

Breakfast at Bedtime: Eating for Better Sleep During Menopause

Breakfast at bedtime, or “sleep-friendly eating,” during menopause, involves consuming specific foods and nutrients before going to bed to improve sleep quality. This is particularly helpful for women struggling to get a good night’s rest. During menopause, hormonal changes can often disrupt sleep patterns and lead to difficulties falling or staying asleep. Other issues they …

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Light And Moderate Drinking Doesn’t Offer Any Protection

Light And Moderate Drinking Doesn’t Offer Any Protection

According to a study recently published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, despite theories speculating that moderate alcohol consumption may benefit health, this study found that even those who limit themselves to 1-2 drinks per day do not have any better protection against obesity or type 2 diabetes. Alcohol consumption represents …

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