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Side Effects Of Prolonged Exposure To Air Conditioning

Keeping Your Home Too Cool May Lead To Higher Blood Pressure

Depending on where you live, it is the time of year in many places where it gets very hot. Not everyone likes to be outside in the heat, so they spend most of their time indoors during the hours when the sun is blazing. The problem is that indoors isn’t much better unless you have …

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Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

The intricate relationship that exists between humans and the gut microbiome has become a hot research topic, and scientists are constantly uncovering new reasons why a healthy diet can lead to a healthier life. Dietary fibers are a particularly important aspect of this connection. When we ingest these compounds, which are mainly found in plant-based …

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Allergy Alert: The Lowest Pollen Counts Occur Between 4 AM And Noon

Allergy Alert: The Lowest Pollen Counts Occur Between 4 AM And Noon

Those with pollen allergies may find it helpful to know and be aware of what time of day when they are outside that they could be exposed to higher pollen levels. A recent study shows that peak pollen counts happen outside from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m, and they are lowest between 4 a.m to noon.  …

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Experimental Cat Allergy Shot Provides Longer Lasting Relief

Can You Live With A Cat And Allergies?

Research matters highlights: An experimental approach that combines cat allergy shots with a monoclonal antibody led to more effective relief that continued a year after treatment ended. This approach might also be effective for other types of allergies, including food allergies For people with cat allergies, exposure to these furry creatures can lead to a …

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The Average Adult Is Living With At Least 4 Health Issues

Coronavirus Anxiety: How to Cope with Stress, Panic & Self-Isolation

This research carried out by OnePoll and commissioned by Perigo involving 2,000 adults suggests that the average person is currently trying their best to live with at least four health ailments such as headaches, seasonal allergies, muscle twinges, and back pain. The data reveals that an astounding 82% have at least one minor health condition …

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Dietary Fiber In The Gut May Help With Skin Allergies

Dietary Fiber In The Gut May Help With Skin Allergies

A Monash University study exploring the emerging gut-skin axis has found that microbial fermentation of dietary fibre in the gut can protect against allergic skin disease. The research published in Mucosal Immunology could potentially lead to novel treatments to prevent or treat allergies. Professor Ben Marsland from the Central Clinical School’s Department of Immunology, together …

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Targeted Micronutrition Helps Ameliorate Allergy Symptoms

Allergy-Appendicitis Link Discovery

Micronutrient deficiencies can promote inflammation and render the immune system particularly sensitive to allergenic substances. In particular, iron deficiency signals danger to immune cells and leads to a more pronounced, exaggerated immune response. For the first time, scientists at the Messerli Research Institute of MedUni Vienna, Vetmeduni Vienna and the University of Vienna conducted a …

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Anosmia — The Causes (and Treatments) Behind the Loss of Smell

Anosmia — The Causes (and Treatments) Behind the Loss of Smell

Approximately one in eight Americans over the age of 40 experiences measurable smell dysfunction, while approximately 3% of Americans have anosmia or severe hyposmia. With anosmia being defined as the loss of sense of smell — either totally or partially, there’s no doubt that many who suddenly experience the condition may wonder how and why …

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Researchers Lay The Groundwork For Potential Dog-Allergy Vaccine

Rejuvenate Bio Launches To Help Dogs Live Longer & Healthier

Scientists have identified a series of molecular candidates for those parts of dog allergens that cause immune reactions in people—the first step in developing a vaccine against most causes of dog allergies. There have been many research efforts describing the nature and progression of dog allergies, but there have been very few applied studies that …

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Several Protein Biomarkers Protect Against Disease Development

Obesity raises the risk of gum disease by inflating growth of bone-destroying cells

A comprehensive study from Uppsala University shows that several disease-associated protein biomarkers protect healthy individuals from developing inflammatory diseases. The protective effects are attributed to the proteins’ function in preventing tissue damage, a function that might be very different from the effect in a tissue subjected to chronic or acute inflammation. Inflammatory processes are associated …

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