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Movement disorder ALS and cognitive disorder FTLD show strong molecular overlaps, new study shows

Hair Loss And Prostate Drug May Cut Risk Of Heart Disease

Single-cell gene expression patterns in the brain’s motor and frontal cortex, and evidence from follow-up experiments, reveal many shared cellular and molecular similarities that could be targeted for potential treatment. On the surface, the movement disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, and the cognitive disorder frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), which …

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Cold Is Beneficial For Healthy Aging (at least in animals)

Cold Is Beneficial For Healthy Aging (at least in animals)

A lower body temperature is one of the most effective mechanisms to prolong the lifespan of animals. Writing in ‘Nature Aging’, a working group at the University of Cologne’s CECAD Cluster of Excellence in Aging Research has now described precisely how this works. Scientists show that cold can prevent the pathological aggregation of proteins typical …

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Found: A Protective Probiotic For ALS

Promising Experimental ALS Drug

Scientists at the CRCHUM find that a bacterium called Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus HA-114 prevents neurodegeneration in the C. elegans worm used to study amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A probiotic bacterium called Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus HA-114 prevents neurodegeneration in the C. elegans worm, an animal model used to study amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). That’s the finding of a new …

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Wasting muscles built back better

Preventing Muscle Atrophy In Those With Diabetes

Muscles waste as a result of not being exercised enough, as happens quickly with a broken limb that has been immobilized in a cast, and more slowly in people reaching an advanced age. Muscle atrophy, how clinicians refer to the phenomenon, is also a debilitating symptom in patients suffering from neurological disorders, such as amyotrophic …

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Stem Cell Gene Therapy Shows Promise In ALS Safety Trial

Placental Stem Cells Can Regenerate Heart After Heart Attack

The study used stem cells originally designed in Svendsen’s laboratory to produce a protein called glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). This protein can promote the survival of motor neurons, which are the cells that pass signals from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle to enable movement. Cedars-Sinai investigators have developed an investigational …

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Improving Stem Cell Treatment with Novel Drug Compound

Stem Cells May Be Universally Transplanted

One of the primary limitations of stem cell treatment and the subject of ongoing research is the challenge of directing stem cells to their necessary destination in the body which has been a subject of ongoing research. Prior studies have discovered that stem cells are drawn to inflammation in the body, however, using this as …

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Researchers identify a cellular defect common to familial and sporadic forms of ALS

Promising Experimental ALS Drug

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive and fatal degenerative disease affecting the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord responsible for controlling voluntary muscle movement. “Sporadic” or non-inherited ALS, accounts for roughly 90% percent of cases, and 10% of cases are due to known genetic mutations.  By studying lab-grown neurons derived from …

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Scientists discover a new genetic form of ALS in children

Promising Experimental ALS Drug

In a study of 11 medical-mystery patients, an international team of researchers led by scientists at the National Institutes of Health and the Uniformed Services University (USU) discovered a new and unique form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Unlike most cases of ALS, the disease began attacking these patients during childhood, worsened more slowly than …

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NIH researchers link cases of ALS and FTD to a mutation associated with Huntington’s disease


A study led by researchers at the National Institutes of Health has made a surprising connection between frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), two disorders of the nervous system, and the genetic mutation normally understood to cause Huntington’s disease. This large, international project, which included a collaboration between the National Institute of Neurological …

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Molecule Guides Stem Cells To Damaged Brain Tissue

Diabetic Mice Cured With Human Stem Cells

Researchers have altered a molecule that is naturally produced in the body to safely guide stem cells to damaged brain tissues. Mice with a fatal brain disease had delayed onset of symptoms and improved survival when given the new molecule and neural stem cells, with further development this approach could have applications for human disease.  …

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