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Apple Looking To Strengthen Wearables Dominance

Apple Looking To Strengthen Wearables Dominance

The tech giant Apple is looking to continue its drive towards dominance in the health wearables market by hiring another leading cardiologist Daivd Tsay, professor of cardiology at Columbia University Medical Center, who joins Alexis Beatty previously of the University of Washington. Healthcare spending exceeds $3.5 billion in America alone, Apple and others from BigTech …

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Amazon May Be The Destination For Longevity Startups

Amazon May Be The Destination For Longevity Startups

The longevity sector is fast emerging as the investment category to watch; from apps to xenotransplantation some $4 billion dollars has been invested into finding solutions for extending both healthspan and lifespan, according to the Longevity Fund.  Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple may be the Big Four players in longevity technology who are all investors …

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Agetech Market Projected To Double To $2 Trillion

Agetech Market Projected To Double To $2 Trillion

We are all interested to see how the longevity sector will be, as such leading experts have been hitting the spreadsheets and are sharing their projections for the upcoming year, like Dominic Endicott of 4Gen Ventures, the Agetech fund is expected to close fundraising soon to begin investing early into 2020.  The following is an …

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