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Researchers Create Largest Human Family Tree: 27 Million Ancestors

Family Tree Shows Genetics Has Limited Influence On Longevity

Researchers from the University of Oxford’s Big Data Institute(BDI) have taken a major step towards mapping the entirety of genetic relationships among humans: a single genealogy that traces the ancestry of all of us. The study has been published in Science. The past two decades have seen extraordinary advancements in human genetic research, generating genomic …

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Genome Data from Africa Reveals Millions of New Variants

Genome Data from Africa Reveals Millions of New Variants

The first Homo sapiens emerged in Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago. We are all descended from that common pool of ancestors. While it’s not possible to study the DNA of these vanished original human populations, it is possible to study the genetic material of today’s African peoples to learn more about the human …

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