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Benefits Of Eating Quinoa

Benefits Of Eating Quinoa

Although only recently gaining popularity Quinoa is not new, it dates back 3-4000 years ago when the Incas in South America first discovered the “mother of all grains” seed was fit for human consumption, and it was thought to increase stamina of their warriors. Technically quinoa isn’t categorized as a cereal grain, rather a pseudo-cereal …

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Bacteria Found In Soil Halts Growth Of Superbugs

Starving Fungi Could Save Lives

A bacteria found in ancient Irish soil has been found to halt growth of superbugs, giving new hope to tackling antibiotic resistance which is described by W.H.O as one of the world’s biggest threat to global health, food security, and development, as published in Frontiers in Microbiology. Swansea University Medical School based scientists analyzing soil …

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