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The Power of Pets: Health Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions

The Power of Pets: Health Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions

Nothing compares to the joy of coming home to a loyal companion. The unconditional love of a pet can do more than keep you company. Pets may also decrease stress, improve heart health, and even help children with their emotional and social skills. An estimated 68% of U.S. households have a pet. But who benefits …

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Consciousness In Humans, Animals, And Artificial Intelligence?

Consciousness In Humans, Animals, And Artificial Intelligence?

Image Credit: © RUB, Kramer Are animals or artificial intelligence capable of having consciousness? A new theory of consciousness provides experimental access to the study of this phenomenon. Not just in humans. Two researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have come up with a new theory of consciousness. They have long been exploring the nature of …

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Staying Positive And Upbeat Everyday Using Simple Skills

Staying Positive

Recently many people celebrated the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, a holiday celebrating light over darkness, real and spiritual. The holiday is a reminder of how hard it is to stay positive in a world, for millennia, that has evil in it. We light candles for 8 nights to give a physical expression of light, joy, …

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Tips For Travelling And Good Health

CDC Lifts 14 Day Quarantine Recommendation

With more travel on the cards since many borders have reopened after the pandemic, people are interested in ways they can maintain their health while traveling. This article discusses some tips for doing so. Travel Insurance  It’s vital to have all the relevant insurance for your trip abroad. It ensures you are covered for accidents, …

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Petting A Furry Fluff Ball Has Stress Reduction Benefits

Article courtesy of : Nicholas DiNubile MD, who is devoted to keeping you healthy in body, mind, and spirit. “To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.” ~ Aldous Huxley Everyone knows they are man’s best friend, but we now know new reasons, beyond companionship and a paw to lean …

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Petting A Furry Fluff Ball Has Stress Reduction Benefits

Petting A Furry Fluff Ball Has Stress Reduction Benefits

According to Washington State University just 10 minutes of interacting with a dog or cat was enough to produce a significant reduction in the major stress hormone levels; findings were published in AERA Open. Colleges and universities can be stressful in itself without factoring in works, bills to pay and other pressures, as such some …

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Most Meat May Soon Need To Be Artificial

Most Meat May Soon Need To Be Artificial

Very soon the majority of meat for human consumption will have to be produced artificially if the food supply and demand is to keep up with population growth and climate change, according to experts. Predictions are that within the next 20 years an estimated 40% of the world’s meat supply will come from animals, the …

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Executive Order Signed To Streamline Approval Of GMOs

Executive Order Signed To Streamline Approval Of GMOs

GMOs and related substances have been pushed heavily by the industry. Now to the frustration of health conscious Americans the president has just signed an executive order to streamline approval of GMOs. This executive order ignores all the science showing the effects of GMOs to health, and directs federal agencies to streamline the approval process …

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