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Annual Report to the Nation Part 2: Patient economic burden of cancer care more than $21 billion in the United States in 2019

Annual Report to the Nation Part 2: Patient economic burden of cancer care more than $21 billion in the United States in 2019

Part two of the latest Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer finds that cancer patients in the United States shoulder a large amount of cancer care costs. In 2019, the national patient economic burden associated with cancer care was $21.09 billion, made up of patient out-of-pocket costs of $16.22 billion and …

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Annual High-Dose Vitamin D Increases Fall and Fracture Risk


Older women given a single annual high-dose of vitamin D have been found to be at  increased risk of falls and fractures. Study results have revealed that women aged 70 and over who received a single annual high-dose of vitamin D were more likely to suffer a fall and/or sustain a fracture compared to women …

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