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Arming Vegetables With Anti-Inflammatory Properties Using Plant Pigments

Executive Order Signed To Streamline Approval Of GMOs

Betalains are a class of plant pigments that are responsible for the characteristic red-violet (betacyanin) or yellow (betaxanthin) color of certain fruits and vegetables. These naturally occurring, water-soluble, and nitrogen-containing pigments are commonly used as food coloring agents. Recently, research findings have brought to the forefront, the strong antioxidant potential of betalains, making them potential …

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Ying Yang: The Second Cannabinoid Receptor

Ying Yang: The Second Cannabinoid Receptor

To take advantage of the medicinal properties cannabis carries it is a must to understand the effects it can have on the body; as such elucidating the molecular structure of the receptors that bind endocannabinoids is a key step towards developing drugs that can differentiate between the two known receptors. Structure of the CB1 receptor …

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