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Telomeres: How Diet Impacts Aging

Telomeres Extend Lifespan Without Genetic Modification

Previous research suggests that restricting calories by 20-60% promotes a longer lifespan in animal studies. This two-year study of caloric restriction in humans found that those who restricted their calories lost telomeres at different rates than the control group despite both groups ending the study with telomeres that were roughly the same length.  Telomeres are …

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Are Viagra and Cialis Anti-Aging Agents? 2 New Studies Say Yes!

Are Viagra and Cialis Anti-Aging Agents? 2 New Studies Say Yes!

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Dr. Kahn is one of the featured speakers at the A4M 32nd Annual Spring …

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The Gut-Weight Axis: How Microbiome Health Shapes Weight Management Outcomes

The Gut-Weight Axis: How Microbiome Health Shapes Weight Management Outcomes

The multifaceted and dynamic gut microbiome may be key to unlocking optimal weight management outcomes as the intricate gut-weight connection orchestrates metabolic harmony, aligning targeted weight maintenance with inner microbial health. At the core of integrative, whole-person care lies the understanding that the human body is a network of interconnected systems, each interacting with and …

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Anti-Aging: Going To The Dogs

Anti-Aging: Going To The Dogs

Human clinical trials notoriously go through many lengthy processes that could take decades, long enough for the study subjects to be monitored and live out the rest of their lives. Canine trials, however, do not take as long due to their shorter lifespans, meaning that before there is an anti-aging drug for humans, we are …

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Exclusive Talk With Dr. Robert Goldman

Exclusive Talk With Dr. Robert Goldman

Recently 5000s Magazine interviewed Dr. Goldman, MD, Ph.D., DO, FAASP, innovator and a pioneer in anti-aging, discussing Vipassana Meditation, martial arts, longevity, life, and the law of nature. You can find it in the Cause and Effect Issue of March-April 2024. Dr. Goldman is a physician, co-founder and Chairman of the Board of the American …

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Aging Cells Express Shorter Genes

Clusters of genes help mice live longer

Recent research suggests that aging may be less about specific aging genes and more about how long the genes are. A paper published in the journal Trends in Genetics suggests that many of the changes that are associated with aging may be occurring due to the decreased expression of long genes.  The researchers said that …

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Live From Miami Beach: A4M March Symposium Highlights

Live From Miami Beach: A4M March Symposium Highlights

Reporting live from Miami Beach, A4M hosted hundreds of modern medicine’s leading game-changers over the March 1-3 weekend at the March Symposium. We’re thrilled to be amongst such an inspiring crowd of renowned experts, pioneering researchers, and dedicated practitioners committed to elevating their knowledge, practice, and patient outcomes — a thriving community we are honored …

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Yoga Provides Unique Cognitive Benefits

Yoga Provides Unique Cognitive Benefits

A recent study from the University of California-Los Angeles Health Services (UCLA) published in the journal Translational Psychiatry reports that Kundalini yoga provided several benefits to the cognition and memory of women at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease such as restoring neural pathways, preventing brain matter decline and reversing aging as well as inflammation associated …

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The Healthy Groom: Integrating Wellness into Daily Grooming Routines

The Healthy Groom: Integrating Wellness into Daily Grooming Routines

Most people believe that grooming is all about your physical appearance. However, there is so much more that comes from a daily grooming routine. It helps promote self-care and self-improvement attributed to more than just your appearance. Grooming is involved in your overall wellness, along with other necessary aspects like nutrition and exercise. Cleanliness, hygiene, …

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Remarkably Fit 93-Year-Old Offers Tips On Aging

Remarkably Fit 93-Year-Old Offers Tips On Aging

Richard Morgan is 93 years young, but he’s probably unlike most nonagenarians (a person between 90-99 years old) that you have ever met. This inspiring Irishman is probably fitter than most people, he’s estimated to be as fit as a 40-year-old, and proof that it is never too late to make lifestyle changes and start a …

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