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New Epigenetic Clock May Change How We Measure Age

Possible Explanation Of Why Time Flies As We Age

Research from Brigham and Women’s Hospital reveals a new form of epigenetic clock, a machine-learning model that is designed to predict biological age from our DNA structure. Results published in Nature Aging describe how this model is capable of distinguishing between genetic differences that slow and accelerate aging while predicting biological age and evaluating anti-aging …

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Dog’s With The Longest Longevity

Pet Dogs to the Rescue: Furry Friends Can Help Human Health

Every now and then we post an article just for fun, some of those have been about pets. Following our last post about dogs several months back we received numerous emails asking if we could post an article covering how long dogs live. This post is in response to that request. Enjoy. A huge study …

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Centenarian Blue Zone Longevity Warriors

Centenarian Blue Zone Longevity Warriors

Around the globe, people are living longer healthier lives than ever before, which is evident in the number of centenarians; in 1840 there were 90 in the USA, that’s 1 for every 189,000 people but now there are more than 53,000 which is 1 for every 5,800 people. Centenarians are people who are living into …

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Could The Fountain Of Youth Be A T Cell?

Could The Fountain Of Youth Be A T Cell?

The fountain of youth has been searched for by explorers and scientists alike for centuries, but it has eluded all who have sought out its discovery. As it turns out, the magical elixir may not be in a hidden fountain after all, it may have been inside of us all this time, according to recent …

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“Gimme A Beet”

“Gimme A Beet”

By now most people are aware that what you eat can influence your body, this includes digestive, cognitive, and cardiovascular health. While there are many dietray choices that can benefit your overall well-being there are also many that can be detrimental to it. Diet is an important part of your life, it can be unhealthy …

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5 Most-Cited Takeaways From LongevityFest 2023

5 Most-Cited Takeaways From LongevityFest 2023

Settling into the new year is the perfect time to focus on renewal, renewing our commitment to delivering excellent care and patient outcomes, and leveraging every beneficial tool at our disposal. What better way to kick off 2024 than by highlighting key learnings around longevity, healthy aging, and improving our healthspans presented at 2023’s biggest …

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How Dietary Restriction Slows Brain Aging And Increases Longevity

New Molecule Extends Lifespan

Restricting calories is known to help improve and increase lifespan, but it is not fully understood, especially in regard to protecting the brain. Scientists at Buck Institute for Research on Aging report uncovering a role for a gene that is necessary for lifespan extension that is seen with dietary restriction and is essential for healthy …

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Pineapple Passion

Pineapple Passion

Pineapple is more than just a strange-looking thingy, this yummy juicy tropical fruit also carries an impressive nutritional profile that helps to promote a range of benefits that can easily be incorporated into a meal or snack at any time of the day.  Pineapple is widely available fresh, canned, and frozen making it available all …

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Lifespan increases in mice when specific brain cells are activated

Lifespan increases in mice when specific brain cells are activated

In recent years, research has begun to reveal that the lines of communication between the body’s organs are key regulators of aging. When these lines are open, the body’s organs and systems work well together. But with age, communication lines deteriorate, and organs don’t get the molecular and electrical messages they need to function properly. …

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What Supplements Are In Your Anti-Aging Arsenal?

Poland Adopts Further Vitamin & Nutrients Supplement Limits

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts or magic pills to take to stop aging, yet, but there are certain things that can be done to help extend a healthy lifespan, which includes maintaining an active lifestyle and healthy diet. Despite our best efforts, sometimes we don’t eat as healthfully as we can, supplements may help fill …

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