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Choose Healthy Fats to Benefit the Heart

Choose Healthy Fats to Benefit the Heart

Large-scale data review reveals that reducing saturated fats while increasing polyunsaturated fats boosts heart health. In the latest study to reaffirm the detriments of saturated fats on heart health, Dariush Mozaffarian, from Harvard Medical School (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues have revealed that simple substitution with polyunsaturated fats may drastically slash the risks of coronary heart …

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The Heart-Healthy Benefits of Moderate Alcohol Consumption

The Heart-Healthy Benefits of Moderate Alcohol Consumption

Large-scale US study reveals that light-to-moderate drinking can reduce the risk of heart-related deaths. In that previous studies have suggested that alcohol consumption associates with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, Kenneth J. Mukamal, from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues investigated this effect on a broad scale.  Analyzing data involving 245,207 …

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Optimism May Enhance Immune Function

Optimism May Enhance Immune Function

People with optimistic attitudes may have a stronger positive immune response. In that previous studies have suggested that people who are optimistic about their health tend to have better health, Suzanne C. Segerstrom, from the University of Kentucky (Kentucky, USA), and colleagues investigated the nature and mechanisms of how optimism potentially exerts this effect.  The …

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Chocolate Slashes Blood Pressure

Chocolate Slashes Blood Pressure

Large-scale German study finds that 7.5 grams of dark chocolate a day lowers blood pressure, potentially reducing risks of heart disease by up to 39%. Flavanols are a type of antioxidant compound found in high concentrations in dark chocolate.  Brian Buijsse, from the German Institute of Human Nutrition (Nuthetal, Germany), and colleagues studied 19,357 people, …

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Skin Cells Reprogrammed To Perform Like Stem Cells


Mount Sinai School of Medicine (US) researchers reprogram skin cells found in human amniotic fluid to pluripotency. Mount Sinai School of Medicine (New York, USA) scientists have reprogrammed skin cells found in human amniotic fluid to become pluripotent, bearing characteristics similar to human embryonic stem cells that can develop into almost any type of cell …

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New Blood Vessels Built Using Stem Cells


Johns Hopkins (US) team prompts bone marrow stem cells to build new blood vessels in the upper leg, offering a potential future treatment for peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Bone marrow stem cells suspended in X-ray-visible microbubbles dramatically improve the body’s ability to build new blood vessels in the upper leg — providing a potential future …

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Magnesium May Reduce Men’s Colon Cancer Risk

Folate May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Japanese study finds that Increased intakes of magnesium may reduce men’s risks of colon cancer by over 50%. Magnesium is an important mineral that helps to maintain genomic stability, and it serves as an essential cofactor for DNA synthesis and repair.  In that previous studies have shown magnesium intake to be inversely associated with colorectal …

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Yoga Reduces Inflammation Implicated in Stress and Aging


Ohio State University (US) researchers find that women who regularly engage in yoga exercise lower their blood levels of the inflammatory compound known as cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). While cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) is an important part of the body’s inflammatory response, it contributes to the inflammation associated with heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, arthritis and a …

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