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Can Your Diet Help Repair Your Lungs If Your Were A Smoker?

Can Your Diet Help Repair Your Lungs If Your Were A Smoker?

Among former smokers the connection between diet lung function was even more evident. Former smokers who consumed diets high in fresh fruits and tomatoes were found to have around 80 ml slower decline over the 10 year period, suggesting that the nutrients in their consumed diets were helping to repair the damage that had been …

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Hollywood Celebrities Salute Progress in Anti-Aging Medicine


Thousands of the world’s preeminent physicians and researchers in aging intervention convene 12-15 December 2013 at The Venetian Resort & Exposition Center (Las Vegas, NV USA) to showcase advanced anti-aging… Thousands of the world’s preeminent physicians and researchers in aging intervention convene 12-15 December 2013 at The Venetian Resort & Exposition Center (Las Vegas, NV …

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