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Food for thought: Study links key nutrients with slower brain aging

Food for thought: Study links key nutrients with slower brain aging

Scientists have long been studying the brain with a goal of aiding healthier aging. While much is known about risk factors for accelerated brain aging, less has been uncovered to identify ways to prevent cognitive decline. There is evidence that nutrition matters, and a novel study published in Nature Publishing Group Aging, from the University …

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Debunking Big Myths About Fruits and Weight Loss

We’ve heard many people on social media—even fitness influencers—say something like, “Stop eating fruits if you want to lose weight!” “Here are the reasons why fruits aren’t as good as you think,” and so on.  Even whole foods like fruits have their own set of myths surrounding them when it comes to weight loss. But …

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Can a Healthy Diet Slow Aging and Reduce Dementia Risk? New Data Says YES

Can a Healthy Diet Slow Aging and Reduce Dementia Risk? New Data Says YES

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Dr. Kahn is one of the featured speakers at the A4M 32nd Annual Spring …

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Eating For Health And Longevity

Eating For Health And Longevity

Despite mountains of research, most people really don’t understand just how important nutrition is, good nutrition is a critical part of health and development, and better nutrition is related to improved health at all ages and walks of life, a lower risk of disease, and happier longevity. Apart from simply being too lazy to bother, …

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Harnessing Wellness With Niagen Supplements

Harnessing Wellness With Niagen Supplements

We all want to stay in good shape and remain happy as we age. Sadly, this isn’t always the case, as aging affects our well-being in many ways, from how we think and act to relating with others. The good news is that there’s a solution in the form of making healthful lifestyle changes and …

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New drug delivery method can reverse senescence of stem cells

New drug delivery method can reverse senescence of stem cells

As we age, our bodies change and degenerate over time in a process called senescence. Stem cells, which have the unique ability to change into other cell types, also experience senescence, which presents an issue when trying to maintain cell cultures for therapeutic use. The biomolecules produced by these cell cultures are important for various …

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Sustainable Macroalgae Aquaculture: Seaweed Might Be The Next Big Thing

Researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institute have developed a method to enhance seaweed, doubling the antioxidants, tripling the natural sunscreen quantity, and increasing the unique protective pigments found within it of high medicinal value by tenfold. Their study has been published in the journal Marine Drugs.  “Seaweed, also …

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Do You Know What Functional Foods Are?

2019 Functional Food Trends

Increasing interest is being shown in people wanting to improve their health by making more healthful food choices, as such functional foods are gaining popularity in health and wellness. This is actually a great choice as science and medicine have long supported this lifestyle intervention option and are revealing the associations between the gut and …

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Vascular Benefits of Peanut Consumption on Young Adults

Race Of The Nutcrackers

A study from the University of Barcelona has found that eating peanuts and peanut butter may benefit the hearts of young, healthy people(1). The findings are significant since the incidence of heart disease, heart failure and endocarditis has been on the rise in young adults(2) – an alarming trend because those conditions are typically seen …

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Book Review: Plant Powered Protein

Plant Based Food Market Growth In America

Plant Powered Protein: Nutrition Essentials and Dietary Guidelines for All Ages was written by Brenda Davis, RD, Vesanto Melina, MS, RD, and Cory Davis, MBA, P.Ag, the same authors who wrote Becoming Vegan. This book explains what protein is, where to get it, and how to use this information to achieve or maintain optimal health …

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