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Testosterone Promotes 'Cuddling,' Not Just Aggression, Animal Study Finds

Environment Helps Determine Testosterone Levels

Testosterone can foster friendly, prosocial behavior in males, a new animal study finds. The Proceedings of the Royal Society B published the research on Mongolian gerbils conducted by neuroscientists at Emory University. “For what we believe is the first time, we’ve demonstrated that testosterone can directly promote nonsexual, prosocial behavior, in addition to aggression, in …

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Some types of stress could be good for brain functioning

Fatigue And The Adrenals

It may feel like an anvil hanging over your head, but that looming deadline stressing you out at work may actually be beneficial for your brain, according to new research from the Youth Development Institute at the University of Georgia. Published in Psychiatry Research, the study found that low to moderate levels of stress can …

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Arts Activities May Improve Self-Control And Reduce Antisocial Behavior Among Teenagers

Fun and Interesting Ideas for the Budget-Minded Hobbyist

Teenagers who take part in arts and cultural activities, such as dance, drama, reading, and going to concerts, are less likely to engage in antisocial and criminalized behavior up to two years later, according to a new study by UCL (University College London) and University of Florida researchers. For the peer-reviewed study, published in the …

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