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Appendix Pain Preventing Appendicitis Complications

Appendix Pain Preventing Appendicitis Complications

The appendix is a finger-like pouch that branches off from your large intestine. No one is sure what it does or why it evolved. But when something goes wrong, it can be dangerous. “We do know that it causes problems,” says Dr. Nicole Wilson, a pediatric surgeon at the University of Rochester. “And we do …

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Lower Risk For Parkinson’s By Over 20%?

Lower Risk For Parkinson’s By Over 20%?

Having an appendectomy would appear to have the unexpected advantage of reducing the risk of Parkinson’s disease by as much as 25% according to a study from the Van Andel Research Institute. Researchers examined data from 1.7 million people to find having your appendix removed is linked to 19.3% reduction in risk of development of …

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