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An apple cider vinegar drink a day? New study shows it might help weight loss

Science Backed Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Made from fermented apples and naturally high in acetic acid, apple cider vinegar has been popular in recent years for its purported health benefits – from antibacterial properties to antioxidant effects and potential for helping manage blood sugars. Its origins as a health tonic stretch much further back. Hippocrates used it to treat wounds, fever …

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Apples And Blackberries May Help Fight Frailty

Quercetin Has Anti-Aging & Anti-Cancer Properties

Eating plant-based foods that contain dietary compounds called flavonols can help to lower your chances of developing frailty, and foods such as apples and blackberries that contain quercetin flavonoids may be the most important for frailty prevention, according to a recent study conducted by Harvard University-Hebrew SeniorLife (HSL) that has been published in the American …

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Put The Kettle On! How Black Tea (& Other Favorites) May Help Your Health Later In Life

Put The Kettle On! How Black Tea (& Other Favorites) May Help Your Health Later In Life

A daily cup of tea could help you to enjoy better health late in life — however, if you’re not a tea drinker, there are other things you can add to your diet. The key is flavonoids, which are naturally occurring substances found in many common foods and beverages such as black and green tea, …

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Apples And Tea Daily May Help You To Live Longer

Bones Affect Appetite & Metabolism

When paired with tea, in moderation, an apple a day may also keep the reaper away. Food rich in flavonoids found in abundance in apples and tea helps to lower risk of death, especially among heavy drinkers according to a study from Edith Cowan University.  As published in the journal Nature Communications data was analyzed …

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Apples Assist Weight Loss

An Apple A Day

Apples have many beneficial effects which can be mostly attributed to their antioxidant effects and positive impacts on heart health which include helping to regulate blood sugar, as published in Food Chemistry. Apples contain fiber and phenolic compounds which have been shown to help protect against many diseases. Non-digestible fiber content of apples dodge digestive …

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Natural Laxatives

Natural Laxatives

For many that struggle with constipation using natural laxatives is a popular option, of which there are many options to choose from. Foods, spices, and supplements can act as a natural laxative to help stimulate and speed up digestive process to clear the bowels to relieve symptoms of blockage and constipation. Millions of people choose …

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Apple A Day May Keep Heart Problems Away

Apple A Day May Keep Heart Problems Away

Adults ages 50 years and older may benefit from eating an apple a day, to the extent of exerting an equivalent effect to statins for cardiovascular disease. Recommending an apple a day to all adults ages 50 years and over may prevent or delay approximately 8,500 deaths due to heart attacks and strokes every year, …

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Apple Peel Compound May Help to Combat Weight Gain

Apple Peel Compound May Help to Combat Weight Gain

Ursolic acid, a compound found in apple peel, helps to increase calories burned, in a lab animal model. Previously, studies have suggested that ursolic acid, a compound found in apple peel, increases muscle mass and strength, in a laboratory animal model.  Christopher M Adams, from the University of Iowa (Iowa, USA), and colleagues have observed …

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Apples May Reduce Stroke Risk

Apples May Reduce Stroke Risk

Apples, and other fruits with white flesh, can reduce the risk of stroke. In that certain previous studies have suggested a role for certain fruits and vegetables to combat the risk of stroke, Linda M. Oude Griep, from Wageningen University (The Netherlands), and colleagues followed 20,069 Dutch men and women, average age 41 years, all …

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Apples Promote Immune Health

Apples Promote Immune Health

Soluble fiber, such as pectin found in apples, may confer anti-inflammatory effects and strengthen the immune system. Chronic inflammation, linked to medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, and more, may be accelerated as a result of consuming diets high in fat.  Christina L. Sherry, from the University of Illinois (USA), and colleagues investigated …

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