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Researchers Develop Structural Blueprint of Nanoparticles to Target White Blood Cells Responsible for Acute Lung Inflammation

Respiratory Changes With Age

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the devastating impact of acute lung inflammation (ALI), which is part of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that is the dominant cause of death in COVID-19. A potential new route to the diagnosis and treatment of ARDS comes from studying how neutrophils — the white blood cells responsible for detecting …

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Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Respiratory Changes With Age

We are hearing a lot about ARDS in the news lately with a lot of recent deaths being linked to it. While many with acute respiratory distress syndrome will recover, some will have the misfortune of losing their lives. Doctors are working to understand why it is some patients are faring better than others with …

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