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Study finds new treatment to reverse inflammation and arterial blockages in rheumatoid arthritis

Study finds new treatment to reverse inflammation and arterial blockages in rheumatoid arthritis

Researchers from the Queen Mary University of London have found that the molecule RvT4 enhances the body’s natural defenses against atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Studies in mice undertaken by researchers from Queen Mary University of London’s William Harvey Research Institute and Centre for Inflammation and Therapeutic Innovation and funded …

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Cocoa Shown To Reduce Blood Pressure And Arterial Stiffness In First Real-Life Study

Cocoa Shown To Reduce Blood Pressure And Arterial Stiffness In First Real-Life Study

Cocoa flavanols have previously been found to lower blood pressure and arterial stiffness as much as some blood pressure medication. However, how effective flavanols are in everyday life in reducing blood pressure has remained unknown, as previous studies in this area have been performed in tightly controlled experimental settings. This recent research described in this …

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