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Can The Driving ChatGPT AI Help Detect Early Signs Of Alzheimer's Disease?

Can The Driving ChatGPT AI Help Detect Early Signs Of Alzheimer's Disease?

The artificial intelligence algorithms behind the chatbot program ChatGPT — which has drawn attention for its ability to generate humanlike written responses to some of the most creative queries — might one day be able to help doctors detect Alzheimer’s Disease in its early stages. Research from Drexel University’s School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and …

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AI Fails To Pass Radiology Qualifying Examination

Scientists Show How AI May Spot Unseen Signs Of Heart Failure

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently unable to pass one of the qualifying radiology examinations, suggesting that this promising technology is not yet ready to replace doctors, finds a study in the Christmas issue of The BMJ.  AI is increasingly being used for some tasks that doctors do, such as interpreting radiographs (x-rays and scans) to …

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Artificial Intelligence Searches An Early Sign Of Osteoarthritis From An X-Ray Image

Artificial Intelligence Searches An Early Sign Of Osteoarthritis From An X-Ray Image

Researchers from the University of Jyväskylä and the Central Finland Health Care District have developed an AI-based neural network to detect an early knee osteoarthritis from x-ray images. AI was able to match a doctors’ diagnosis in 87% of cases. The result is important because x-rays are the primary diagnostic method for early knee osteoarthritis. …

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5 Key Anti-Aging Takeaways From LongevityFest 2022

5 Key Anti-Aging Takeaways From LongevityFest 2022

Last weekend, A4M hosted the largest anti-aging medicine event ever, gathering over 5,500 guests, 120 globally renowned speakers and educators, and 400 market-shaping companies. Delivering four full days of cutting-edge science, the latest research, and meaningful, practical education, LongevityFest 2022 marked a pivotal point in A4M’s history and that of the specialty itself. The conference …

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AI transforms smartwatch ECG signals into a diagnostic tool for heart failure

AI transforms smartwatch ECG signals into a diagnostic tool for heart failure

News release highlights: Two health tech advances are at the heart of a study published in Nature Medicine: an app and backend infrastructure to let patients remotely share smartwatch ECG data with their clinicians in an easy and secure way, and the modification of a proven 12-lead ECG artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to enable it …

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During sleep, one brain region teaches another, converting novel data into enduring memories

One Alcoholic Drink A Day Linked With Reduced Brain Size

Using a neural network model, Penn neuroscientist Anna Schapiro and colleagues found that as the body moves between REM and slow-wave sleep cycles, the hippocampus and neocortex interact in ways that are key to memory formation. What role do the stages of sleep play in forming memories? “We’ve known for a long time that useful …

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Healthcare Researchers Must Be Wary Of Misusing AI

People may trust computers more than humans

An international team of researchers, writing in the journal Nature Medicine, advises that strong care needs to be taken not to misuse or overuse machine learning (ML) in healthcare research. “I absolutely believe in the power of ML but it has to be a relevant addition,” said neurosurgeon-in-training and statistics editor Dr. Victor Volovici, first …

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AI Algorithm That Detects Brain Abnormalities Could Help Cure Epilepsy


The Multicentre Epilepsy Lesion Detection project (MELD) used over 1,000 patient MRI scans from 22 global epilepsy centres to develop the algorithm, which provides reports of where abnormalities are in cases of drug-resistant focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) — a leading cause of epilepsy. FCDs are areas of the brain that have developed abnormally and often …

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Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Life-Threatening Bacterial Disease in Dogs

Dog Walking a Treat for Pet and Owner Alike

UC Davis Veterinarians Develop AI Model for Accurate, Early Detection of Leptospirosis Infections Early detection of leptospirosis in dogs could mean the difference between life and death New artificial intelligence model accurately predicts disease early AI model could help detection in human medicine Leptospirosis, a disease that dogs can get from drinking water contaminated with …

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AI-enabled ECGs may identify patients at greater risk of stroke, cognitive decline

AI predicts if -- and when -- someone will have cardiac arrest

Atrial fibrillation, the most common cardiac rhythm abnormality, has been linked to one-third of ischemic strokes, the most common type of stroke. But atrial fibrillation is underdiagnosed, partly because many patients are asymptomatic. Artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiography (ECG) was recently shown to identify the presence of brief episodes of atrial fibrillation, and the ability of an …

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