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5 Important Factors To Consider While Preparing GAMSAT

5 Important Factors To Consider While Preparing GAMSAT

The Postgraduate Medical School Admissions Assessment (GAMSAT) is a demanding test crafted to evaluate the aptitudes and proficiencies of potential medical school applicants. Readying for the GAMSAT demands meticulous organization, commitment, and a calculated method. To stand out in this fiercely contested examination, hopefuls should contemplate multiple pivotal elements that can profoundly affect their achievement. …

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Blood Test For Heart Attacks Cleared By FDA

Blood Test For Heart Attacks Cleared By FDA

The FDA has cleared a highly sensitive troponin blood test aimed at identifying heart attacks hours earlier than other methods called Architect Stat test made by Abbott Diagnostics. The test searches for small elevations in the levels of protein troponin-l which is released by heart muscle cells when they become damaged, it is designed for …

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The Future is Bright for Bio-Materials:  The Next Big Wave in the Fight for Better Healthcare

The study of drugs derived from natural sources is called pharmacognosy, and it is an important part of pharmaceutical research and development which includes the physicochemical, identification, cultivation, extraction, quality control, preparation, and biological assessment of drugs.   Plant root, leaf, stem, flower, animal, or plant extract may be used to isolate bioactive chemicals. Plant …

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