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Young Athletes With History Of Concussions May Have More Changes To Their Brains

Young Athletes With History Of Concussions May Have More Changes To Their Brains

A new study suggests athletes with a history of concussion may show more brain injury from a later concussion, particularly in middle regions of the brain that are more susceptible to damage, when compared to athletes with no history of concussion. The research is published in the August 25, 2021, online issue of Neurology®, the …

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Addressing Mental Health Among Athletes

Addressing Mental Health Among Athletes

Famed tennis player Naomi Osaka recently withdrew from the French Open due to concerns about her mental health; the athlete had suffered long depressive episodes and emphasized the unique pressures of being a high-profile athlete that led to her decision. Osaka’s example serves as an important reminder for the world of elite athletic competition, and …

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Elite Athletes Microbiomes Contain Performance Enhancing Bacteria

Elite Athletes Microbiomes Contain Performance Enhancing Bacteria

A gut bacteria has been identified by researchers from Joslin Diabetes Center and Harvard Medical School in the microbiome of marathon runners that is not found in sedentary people which is able to boost capacity for exercise, as published in Nature Medicine. Mice were observed to be able to run longer on treadmills that were …

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Longer Telomeres via Long-Term Endurance Exercise

Longer Telomeres via Long-Term Endurance Exercise

Older athletes who engage in endurance training have longer telomere length, and maximal oxygen consumption positively associates with telomere length. Telomeres are the end caps of chromosomes, protecting the DNA complexes from deterioration during cell division. Telomere shortening is considered a marker of cellular aging, and prematurely shortened telomeres have been linked to increased risk …

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Too Much Water An Underestimated Exercise Risk


Hyperhydration, rather than dehydration, may pose an underestimated health risk to athletes. Tim Noakes, from the University of Cape Town (South Africa) submits that heat-induced dehydration rarely causes athletes to collapse during workouts or competition.  In most cases, the culprit is exercise-associated postural hypotension (low blood pressure when standing), in which case primary treatment consists …

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Beta Glucan Boosts Post-Exercise Immune Response


A popular dietary supplement could help to boost the immune system of athletes and people who regularly participate in strenuous exercise. It is well-known that strenuous exercise can weaken or suppress the immune system, thus leaving athletes and those who regularly exercise at increased risk of infection and illness. However, new study results suggest that …

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