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Beyond the Norm: Understanding Neurodivergence

Beyond the Norm: Understanding Neurodivergence

In this article, we’re delving into a subject: neurodiversity. But what exactly does that entail? Well, it’s about acknowledging the differences in how everyone’s brain operates. While some individuals have an easy time focusing, others may find it more difficult. Similarly, some people excel at remembering details, while others, often those suffering from dementia, may …

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Upwards Of 3 Billion People Live With Neurological Disorders

New study reveals latest data on global burden of cardiovascular disease

In alarming news, an international team of researchers report a significant increase in both the prevalence and health impact of neurological conditions such as meningitis, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease over the past three decades. Their study, part of the Global Burden of Disease, Injury, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) published in the journal The Lancet …

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Putting your toddler in front of the TV? You might hurt their ability to process the world around them, new data suggests

Putting your toddler in front of the TV? You might hurt their ability to process the world around them, new data suggests

Babies and toddlers exposed to television or video viewing may be more likely to exhibit atypical sensory behaviors, such as being disengaged and disinterested in activities, seeking more intense stimulation in an environment, or being overwhelmed by sensations like loud sounds or bright lights, according to data from researchers at Drexel’s College of Medicine published …

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Creating Sensory-Safe Havens: A Guide for Parents of Neurodivergent Children

Aging Changes The Senses

When a child is neurodiverse, it simply means their brain functions differently than what’s considered typical. Many conditions can fall under the neurodivergent umbrella, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and dyslexia. Regardless of whether they have one of these conditions, neurodiverse kids have distinct strengths and challenges that impact their mental functions and …

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Your genes influence whether depression leads to other diseases

Brain Decline Comes Later Than Previously Thought

A new study shows that people suffering from hospital-treated depression may have a high risk of developing conditions such as substance abuse, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety – depending on their genetic predisposition to the individual disorder. Almost one in five Danes experiences depression during their lives. A new study from Aarhus University now shows …

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Fishing for Clues to Human Health: Tiny Zebrafish Give Big Insights

Fishing for Clues to Human Health: Tiny Zebrafish Give Big Insights

Image: View from above of a juvenile transgenic zebrafish. Lymphatic vessels in orange. Scales and bone in blue. Image Credit: Dan Castranova and Brant Weinstein, NICHD, NIH The difference between a little fish and a human may seem enormous. But in some ways, fish and people are surprisingly similar. That’s why scientists around the world …

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Study Finds That Brain Changes In Autism Are Far More Sweeping Than Previously Known

Social Behaviors May Be Restored With Autism Therapy

Brain changes in autism are comprehensive throughout the cerebral cortex rather than just particular areas thought to affect social behavior and language, according to a new UCLA-led study that significantly refines scientists’ understanding of how autism spectrum disorder (ASD) progresses at the molecular level. The study, published in Nature, represents a comprehensive effort to characterize …

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Researchers Develop Method To Study Brain Connectivity, Functionality

Researchers Develop Method To Study Brain Connectivity, Functionality

According to a new release, scientists have developed a research method that allows for a much more detailed examination of the brain processes involved in some neurological and mental disorders. This is achieved by growing human cortical organoids in culture and inserting them into developing rodent brains to see how they integrate and function over …

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Circadian rhythm disruption found to be common among mental health disorders

Computerized screening may help identify youth at risk for suicide

Anxiety, autism, schizophrenia and Tourette syndrome each have their own distinguishing characteristics, but one factor bridging these and most other mental disorders is circadian rhythm disruption, according to a team of neuroscience, pharmaceutical sciences and computer science researchers at the University of California, Irvine. In an article published recently in the Nature journal Translational Psychiatry, …

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Love Isn’t The Drug: Oxytocin Supplements Unlikely To Mend Marriages

Bones Affect Appetite & Metabolism

Taking the ‘love hormone’ is unlikely to be a miracle cure to mend marriages, suggests University of Essex research. The study – in collaboration with Cardiff University – has shown that therapy helps men read emotions more than dosing with oxytocin, which is released naturally and plays an important role in regulating behavior, such as …

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