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Debunking Big Myths About Fruits and Weight Loss

We’ve heard many people on social media—even fitness influencers—say something like, “Stop eating fruits if you want to lose weight!” “Here are the reasons why fruits aren’t as good as you think,” and so on.  Even whole foods like fruits have their own set of myths surrounding them when it comes to weight loss. But …

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Dietitian Approved Foods That May Help You Sleep

Dietitian Approved Foods That May Help You Sleep

Getting enough sleep helps one feel energized and ready for the day, sleep is essential for a variety of health outcomes. But it is not always easy to go to sleep and remain that way due to factors such as stress, anxiety, caffeine, noise, and blue light exposure among others. Some believe that what you …

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Advocating the Avocado

Advocating the Avocado

Consuming avocados may associate with better diet quality – translating into healthier weight, as well as better cardiovascular and metabolic markers. Avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) dietary fiber, essential nutrients and phytochemicals. An analysis of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001-2008 data, involving 17,567 U.S. adults ages 19 years …

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