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Walking Barefoot In Public Has Podiatry Experts Worried

Walking Barefoot In Public Has Podiatry Experts Worried

Recently social media trends have podiatry experts sounding an alarm to de-feet the trend of going shoeless in public places. A barefoot lifestyle is far from new, but the grounding movement is resurfacing thanks to some “influencers” posts on the platforms boasting that walking barefoot is more natural and beneficial to your feet. There are …

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Modern Industrialized Societies Are Losing Healthy Gut Microbes

Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

Modern eating habits have shifted significantly from those of ancient humans, and this is impacting our intestinal flora (gut microbiome). A new study published in Science has found that humans are losing the microbes (cellulose-degrading bacteria) that turn fiber into food for a healthy digestive tract, especially in modern industrialized societies.  Fiber is well known …

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Gargling May Help Diabetics Better Control Blood Sugar

Gargling May Help Diabetics Better Control Blood Sugar

Gargling with an antiseptic mouthwash reduces bad bacteria levels in the mouth which may help those with type 2 diabetes to better control their blood sugar levels, according to research from Osaka University published in Scientific Reports.  Growing evidence suggests that bad breath isn’t the only thing growing in the mouth, ongoing inflammation in the …

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Researchers develop polymers that can kill bacteria

Sewers Of The World Flush With Antimicrobial Resistance

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have become a rapidly growing threat to public health. Each year, they account for more than 2.8 million infections, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Without new antibiotics, even common injuries and infections harbor the potential to become lethal. Scientists are now one step closer to eliminating that threat, …

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Diverse gut bacteria communities protect against harmful pathogens by nutrient blocking

Diet Connected To Changes In Microbiome

A new study led by the University of Oxford has demonstrated that diverse communities of resident bacteria can protect the human gut from disease-causing microorganisms. The researchers found that protective communities block the growth of harmful pathogens by consuming nutrients that the pathogen needs. The findings, published today in the journal Science, could help to …

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It’s Turkey Time!

It’s Turkey Time!

Dr. Ronald Klatz, Co-founder and President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) pointed out,” Most of us don’t think that Thanksgiving can be dangerous, but it can be. Foodborne illness is as serious as a heart attack in that you can die just the same. You should also have a polite way to …

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Should You Worry About "Fried Rice Syndrome"?

Should You Worry About "Fried Rice Syndrome"?

Unfortunately, several years ago a person died from food poisoning from a bacterium called Bacillus cereus which was caused by consuming cooked pasta that was left at room temperature for too long, the case condition is dubbed “Fried rice syndrome.” Recently there has been panic caused on social media as the 2008 case resurfaced. The …

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Is Your Sushi Safe?

Is Your Sushi Safe?

Sushi has fast become popular, in fact, it has become everyday fare around the World, with many people opting for sashimi and or raw fish when they want to treat themselves. But it is important to note that while sushi can be delicious it can also carry a health hazard for both individuals and society …

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Bless This Mess?

Bless This Mess?

It appears as if people are dismissing the age-old saying that cleanliness is next to godliness, as a recent random double opt-in survey conducted by OnePoll involving 2,000 general population homeowner/renter Americans who do their own cleaning on behalf of Lysol, indicates that the average person only considers their home to be completely clean for …

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Chlorine Exposure and Swimmers' Vision: Tips for Lifelong Eye Health

Chlorine Exposure and Swimmers' Vision: Tips for Lifelong Eye Health

The exhilarating thrill of diving into a swimming pool offers a unique sense of freedom, but it often comes with an uninvited guest: a stinging sensation in your eyes. While chlorine is essential for keeping pools germ-free, its impact on eye health can be less than ideal, especially for those who swim regularly or are …

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