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How Can You Take Care Of Yourself This Winter Season?

Air temperature may trigger heart attacks

In a season where the snow is coming down and the temperatures are dropping, it’s essential to take care of yourself. The winter season can tax your body, especially if you’re not used to it. If you don’t take care of yourself appropriately, you could become sick and rather miserable. However, there are some simple …

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Bathing Before Bed May Improve Sleep Quality

Bathing Before Bed May Improve Sleep Quality

Most adults require about 7-9 hours of sleep a day to function properly, but many Americans get far less than the recommended amount of sleep, with The National Sleep Foundation reporting that about 35% of Americans experience poor sleep quality and 20% of them reporting that they do not feel refreshed when they wake up.  …

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A Trip To The Sauna May Help Your Heart

A Trip To The Sauna May Help Your Heart

Originating in Finland sauna bathing is relaxing way to unwind and reduce stress, and according to a study from the University of Eastern Finland spending time in a dry sauna may also help to boost cardiovascular health, as published in the journal BMC Medicine. Earlier research focused on benefits for men, this study was the …

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Can A Cold Be Helped With A Detox Bath?

Can A Cold Be Helped With A Detox Bath?

Detox baths are considered to be a natural way to help remove toxins from the body. Detox baths use ingredients such as epsom salts, ginger, and essential oils that are dissolved in warm water in the bathtub that you can soak in for 15 minutes to an hour at a time. Evidence is limited in …

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