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Hidden Hazards: Clearing Out Toxins in the Home

Don’t Forget About That Shower Curtain

Some hazards in the home are easy to see. Like a loose electrical socket. Or torn carpet on the stairs. But others are harder to spot. And some are invisible, in the very air you breathe. These include lead, mold, and radon. But there are ways you can find and fix these unseen hazards. Learning …

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Don’t Forget About That Shower Curtain

Don’t Forget About That Shower Curtain

Most people are aware that the toilet seat can harbor a lot of germs, but most people do not realize that they may be showering in bacteria, but this bacteria may not be coming from the tub or nozzle as a recent study suggests that the shower curtain may have the most germs out of …

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The Average Adult Wakes Up Grumpy

The Average Adult Wakes Up Grumpy

Waking up “on the wrong side of the bed” is not really a great experience, but it inevitably happens to all of us from time to time. According to a recent study of 2,000 Americans most people rarely wake up in a good mood, findings suggest that the average American will wake up to morning …

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Simple Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Seniors Thrive

Sitting Could Be Big Health Risk for Frail Folks

Are you a senior who is looking to add some zest and quality to your life? You may be surprised to know that you don’t need drastic measures to do so. Making small adjustments to your lifestyle and home habits can be enough to fuel your health and wellness in the years to come. If …

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Using Mobile Devices While On The Toilet

Behind The Bathroom Door

Using your mobile device while on the toilet carries some dirty consequences for health including hemorrhoids among other things. Bathrooms used to be filled with dog eared paper backs, newspapers, and back issues of magazines, basically all the reading material one might need while doing their business. These days paper reading material in the restroom …

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