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Dietary Nitrate-Found In Beetroot Juice-Significantly Increases Muscle Force During Exercise

Sweat Equity: Exercising For Longevity

A new study has found that consuming dietary nitrate — the active molecule in beetroot juice — significantly increased muscle force while exercising. While it is known that dietary nitrate enhances exercise, both boosting endurance and enhancing high-intensity exercise, researchers still have much to learn about why this effect occurs, and how our bodies convert …

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Beets Improve Active Living

Beets Improve Active Living

UK team reports that beetroot juice exerts positive physiological effects during exercise. Previously, studies have shown that beetroot juice can improve blood pressure and tolerance to exercise. Katherine E. Lansley, from the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry (United Kingdom), and colleagues assessed the physiological effects of drinking beetroot juice among healthy adults. Noting that …

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