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Most Forms Of Exercise Are Overwhelmingly Safe But Don’t Ignore The Dangers

Most Forms Of Exercise Are Overwhelmingly Safe But Don’t Ignore The Dangers

The risk of serious injury from most exercise is astonishingly small, according to the results of a five-year study published in the BMJ journal Injury Prevention carried out by researchers at the University of Bath. The study shows that even forms of sport that are sometimes considered to be risky such as road cycling, are …

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Should Your Dog Sleep On The Bed With You?

Should Your Dog Sleep On The Bed With You?

Should your doggie sleep in the same bed as you? This is a long-standing debate, the technical medical answer is probably not, but many pet homes could care less about that. In many homes, the family doggie is more than just a pet and they rule the house, which includes sleeping in the bed with …

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Is It Time To Leave The Paleo Diet In The Past?

Using Paleogenomics To Elucidate 10,000 Years Of Immune System Evolution

Anyone who has tried to lose weight is well aware of the many diets on the market that claim to help one lose weight and/or become more healthy to possibly reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. However, most fail to live up to their claims, and it appears as if the Paleo Diet is …

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Tracing tomatoes' health benefits to gut microbes

Tomatoes Cut Skin Cancer in Half

Two weeks of eating a diet heavy in tomatoes increased the diversity of gut microbes and altered gut bacteria toward a more favorable profile in young pigs, researchers found. After observing these results with a short-term intervention, the research team plans to progress to similar studies in people, looking for health-related links between tomatoes in …

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How can you encourage kids to enjoy the great outdoors?

7 Adventure Sports That You Didn't Know Exist

Many kids these days are glued to their screens, whether it’s a TV, computer, tablet or phone. It’s no wonder that many children don’t have a strong connection to nature. However, there are many benefits to spending time outdoors, including improved mental and physical health. Even a short walk in the fresh air can be …

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Real-world fast brain MRI in outpatient setting offers substantial business benefits

Real-world fast brain MRI in outpatient setting offers substantial business benefits

The use of fast brain MRI protocols in the outpatient setting may offer “substantial” business benefits to the specialty, experts charged Friday. Previous investigations have demonstrated accelerated magnetic resonance imaging’s impact in dropping the time it takes to acquire scans while delivering similar quality, but few have explored the potential operational gains. Massachusetts General Hospital …

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New Health Benefits Of Red Seaweeds Unveiled

New Health Benefits Of Red Seaweeds Unveiled

Red seaweeds have been prevalent in the diets of Asian communities for thousands of years. In a new study, published in Marine Drugs, researchers have shown how these algae confer health benefits. “In the past, people have wondered why the number of colon cancer patients in Japan is the lowest in the world,” said Yong-Su …

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Could Abstaining From Jabs Cost You More Later?

Big Pharma Could Lose $1 Trillion In Sales & Still Be The Most Profitable Industry

Note: The original fact-checked analysis written by Dr. Joseph Mercola was published on his website on April 23, 2021. Sometimes he uses provoking language which should not deter you from reading the article, whether you agree with what he is saying or not he does make some good points that regardless of if they are …

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How To Enjoy National Parks Responsibly: The value of spending time outdoors

7 Adventure Sports That You Didn't Know Exist

When was the last time that you enjoyed the great outdoors? Spending at least 2 hours a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing according to a study published in Nature Scientific Reports.  Going outside and getting some fresh air makes us feel better – we all know it. The time we …

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Examining The Heart Risks & Benefits Of 2 Popular Fad Diets

Examining The Heart Risks & Benefits Of 2 Popular Fad Diets

Researchers from National Jewish Health concluded after reviewing existing scientific studies on the trends of intermittent fasting and ketogenic studies that the diets seem to help with short term weight loss and have modest evidence to suggest some cardiovascular benefit, but these diets allow for the consumption of foods known to increase cardiovascular risk and …

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