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Severity of Calls to U.S. Poison Centers Increases Sharply

Severity of Calls to U.S. Poison Centers Increases Sharply

America’s poison centers are fielding increasingly severe cases that are dramatically more likely to lead to severe harm or death in both adults and children, a new study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine reveals. The number of calls about intentional exposures that resulted in death among adults increased a whopping 233.9% between …

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Can Taking Xanax Lead to Suicidal Thoughts?

Can Depression, Obesity, and Pain Be Fought By Blocking One Protein?

Xanax and other benzodiazepines are medications prescribed for symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, or shortness of breath. But as many people know, benzodiazepines have progressed to one of the most prescribed drugs globally, and Xanax is among the most prescribed benzos available. Because of this, Xanax has helped lead the way in benzos’ new identity …

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Benzodiazepines Are Being Eclipsed with This New Insomnia Medicine: Is It Safer?

Sleepless Nights Do No Favors for Your Heart

Medical solutions for insomnia have progressed much during the past few decades. While some drugs to hit the market have received praise, none have come without a track record of abuse and U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) label warnings. In 2019, the latest innovation to treat insomnia was made available, and many are claiming that …

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Olinvyk: What This New Opioid Teaches Us About Drug Addiction Risks

Olinvyk: What This New Opioid Teaches Us About Drug Addiction Risks

At the close of the 20th century, widespread opioid use was commonplace, thanks to high rates of drug prescriptions. Even though opioids such as morphine have an established history in medical treatment that dates back as far as the U.S. Civil War, pharmaceutical companies in the 1990s assured the medical community that modern opioids were …

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Understanding the Dangers of Sedative Addiction

The Worst Addictive Drugs Are 100% Legal

In the realm of drug addiction, it’s easy to focus on the dangers of opioids, stimulants, and benzodiazepines, the most talked-about drugs. These three drug categories make up the infamous drug epidemics of the past several decades. It’s easy to assume that all drug addiction falls into one of these three categories. But another category …

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Anxiety on the Holidays | Do Benzos Help or Hurt?

Why is Stress Becoming More Prevalent? 5 Ways to Help Cope With It

The month of December is an exciting time for many of us. It’s normally when we’re ready to cash in on the rest of our vacation time and enjoy the holidays surrounded by friends and family. But the holidays aren’t happy times for everyone. For some of us, holidays are filled with anxiety. This can …

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Benzo Use: Something to Lose Sleep Over

Benzo Use: Something to Lose Sleep Over

A good night’s sleep is one of the most important ways we can take care of our bodies. Starting the day off feeling refreshed can make all the difference in the world when navigating the challenges of life. Since sleep is so important, people are willing to use whatever method necessary to catch some z’s, …

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